
Autoresponders - Basics of Autoresponders and How They Make You Money


Autoresponders are a great tool when starting to make money online as they are an essential tool for your success. If the term "autoresponder" is new to you, it is just the technical term for:
  • Automatic emails
  • Mailbots
  • Email Responders
These types of automated emails are the best way to keep in contact with your customers and will help you make more money in your business.

Most types of autoresponders work similarly: they will send out a series of automated emails when someone signs up to your list or subscribes to your newsletter. If you want to be successful in your online marketing or offline business, building an email list is the single most important thing you can do.

Here are some methods for building an email list:
  • Get a huge Facebook following
  • Offer incentives on Twitter
  • Put a sign up form on your page that will add people to your autoresponder
  • Give a way freebies, such as a guide or report or audio file to help build your email list
  • Once a subscriber is added to your email list, you will have pre-set up a series of automated email messages that will hit the user's email account at set intervals, depending on you set it up.

How Autoresponders Make You Money

Let's say we have a mailing list or newsletter on skiing. You have a site set up to give the customers reviews on the newest ski equipment. On the top corner of your page you will want to set up your autoresponder email capture form. This will allow the customer to enter their name and email address so that you can stay in touch with them about your new ski reviews.

Provide Quality in Your Emails

Now you will want to stay in touch with the customers and let them know about your latest reviews. Your autoresponder will allow you to set up a series of emails that will automatically send out to the customers, on complete autopilot!

Now the best part - every once in awhile you can insert your affiliate link (let's say to Amazon, for example) and if the customer clicks on the link and buys something from the website where you direct them, you make a commission!

Autoresponders allow you to build a relationship so that the customers will want to read your emails and buy stuff you recommend. This happens because they trust you!

If you want to build your business, make sure you are using some autoresponder to keep in touch with your customers!

Nate Rio is an experienced Internet Marketer. Watch him make money with 2 Easy Niche Sites at Niche Site Training. You can also learn more about the BEST Autoresponder at Nate's Blog.

By Nate Rio. More ideas? Try this

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